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Bloomberg barclays emerging markets index

Treasury, agency, investment-grade corporate, and investment-grade international dollar-denominated bonds with maturities longer than 10 years. All of the material on this UBS website is directed only at residents of the Netherlands and is not to be regarded as an offer to buy or sell, or the solicitation of any offer to buy or sell securities in any other jurisdiction other than the Netherlands. It includes approximately of the smallest securities based on a combination of their market cap and current index membership. Federal-funds rate: The federal-funds rate is the interest rate at which a depository institution lends immediately-available funds balances at the Federal Reserve to another depository institution overnight in the U. The Bloomberg Barclays Capital U. Equity, Dividend strategy. Savings plan ready.

The entire content of this UBS website is subject to copyright with all rights reserved. The information mentioned herein is not intended to be construed as a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell any securities or related financial instruments. The fund is passively managed. Confirm Cancel. Institutional Investor, Austria.

There is no warranty for completeness, accuracy and correctness for the displayed information. Last update Limitations of liability. The Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate ex-Treasury Index is an unmanaged market index representative of the total-return performance of ex-Treasury major world bond markets. Smaller companies funds may invest in companies which may be less liquid than larger companies and subsequent price swings may be greater as a result. All of the material on this UBS website is directed only at residents of the Netherlands and is not to be regarded as an offer to buy or sell, or the solicitation of any offer to buy or sell securities in any other jurisdiction other than the Netherlands. Tutorial Contact.

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This website is not directed at persons in any other jurisdiction, including the United States. Institutional Investor, United Kingdom. Weightings of the bond correspond to their weightings in the index. The Russell Value Index measures the performance of the large-cap value segment of the U. A steeper yield curve represents a greater difference between the yields. Short and Leveraged ETFs have been developed for short-term trading and therefore are not suitable for long-term investors.
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The levels of and reliefs from taxation may change. Private Investor, Spain. Equity, Dividend strategy. Material interests. The information on this Web site does not represent aids to taking decisions on economic, legal, tax or other consulting questions, nor should investments or other decisions be made solely on the basis of this information.
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Institutional Investor, France. Please select your domicile as well as your investor type and acknowledge that you have read and understood the disclaimer. Define a selection of ETFs which you would like to compare. This information is not an invitation to subscribe for units or shares in the funds described herein and is by way of information only. Before investing in a product please read the latest prospectus carefully and thoroughly. It is weighted by float-adjusted market capitalization.
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Fees 0. Institutional Investor, Italy. Before you decide on investing in a product like this, make sure that you have understood how the index is calculated. Back to Top. Anchoring: Anchoring refers to the behavioral tendency to make estimates with a biased relationship toward an initial reference value. Risk EUR 81 m.
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The shorter the duration of a bond, the less its price will potentially change as interest rates go up or down; conversely, the longer the duration of a bond, the more its price will potentially change. The Russell Index measures the performance of the small- to mid-cap segment of the U. The Bloomberg Barclays Capital Global Aggregate Bond Index is an unmanaged market-capitalization-weighted benchmark and tracks the performance of investment-grade fixed-income securities denominated in 13 currencies. In no event, including without limitation negligence, will UBS be liable for any loss or damage of any kind, including without limitation any direct, special indirect or consequential damages, even if expressly advised of the possibility of such damages, arising out of or in connection with the access of, use of, performance of, browsing in or linking to other sites from the UBS website. All investments are subject to market fluctuations. The Russell Index includes of the largest U.

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